A FOR FETCH ONLY clause is added to the Select statement to avoid record locking and to take advantage of SQL automatic blocking. 一个FORFETCHONLY子句被添加到Select语句,以避免记录锁定并利用SQL自动块操作的优势。
What if Sue knows that there is already a defect record for a bug, which is blocking her testing? 如果Sue知道漏洞已经有一条缺陷记录,她会怎样做,什么会阻碍她的测试?
At the same time, the Netherlands has a track record of not blocking deals for purely political reasons, in contrast to those in Italy or Spain, according to hedge funds. 同时,对冲基金指出,荷兰以往的记录表明,它不会因为纯粹的政治原因阻挠交易,这与意大利或西班牙截然不同。